Mola Ocean Sunfish

Shelter for Animal | Mola mola | Mola Ocean Sunfish | This is a mola mola but he must of the sea and despite their prehistoric-looking size they’re actually one of the youngest species of fish in the world.

Mola ocean sunfish

The more mono or oceanic sunfish is the largest bony fish in the world weighing between two hundred and a thousand kilos and measuring up to one point eight meters long and two-point-five meters tall. Some extreme cases have found in specially giant Mola mola is weighing over to metric tons and measuring over four meters tall.

This massive size makes them almost immune to predators the only creatures daring enough to take the minor sharks or does the lions and of course on human lions have been known to hunt mall or mall a seemingly just for fun so tear off their fans throwing them around and when they’ve eaten enough Oregon board the leaves them.

All them will lead to sink to the bottom of the ocean and die some evidence shows that mola us have very little in terms of pain receptors or at the very least don’t seem to respond to an attack heels and other animals have been observed sniping bite so to them and they don’t seem to have a care in the world they just carry on with that leg and stare them.

All as can be found in warm and temperate waters around the globe tolerating waters as cold as two degrees Celsius when they get too cold to swim to the water surface to warm up by sunbathing when you think prehistoric animals. One common theme probably comes to mind giants interestingly enough mola the numbers of the modi family which despite their prehistoric looking giant size.

Might have you believe or actually one of the youngest fish families in the ocean appearing roughly fifty million years later than most modern fish for years. Mola mola were believed to be plankton as they were thought to be too slow to move independently I don’t think evolution or for large name was too understood at the time.

Sunfish Mola mola

The more recently they’ve been discovered to be speedy swimmers what’s the word I’m looking for four the swimmers just swimmers. Mola ocean sunfish have been documented reaching the breath top speed of three kilometers an hour while that might seem slow enough to give them the momentum. They need to launch themselves.

None of the water to get around they have a pseudo tale called the closet which instead of being formed by the typical caudal fin is formed by elements of their anal and dorsal fin functions much like a murder they have four teeth which are fused together that’s the sort of beak which they can never quite fully closed. Their throats are aligned with for in jail teeth.

Which they use to shredding grind sea jellies Tina four and Portuguese man of war that they eat those are much less picky eaters and will actually eat anything that they can catch this of creatures that looked like billowing plastic bags has led to a serious problem for the Mola mola. Actual plastic bags as we keep using the oceans are no garbage been more and more of them.

All are accidentally eating plastic bags which to a two ton behemoth with a brain the size of a walnut look a lot like the regular dinner of sea jelly. The bags leather cloak their gills and suffocating are getting caught in their digestive system and slowly kill them from the inside are very docile creatures and pose no threat to humans except maybe silent be though there have been some reported cases.

Giant Mola mola fish

Mola mola jumping onto fishing boats which can be dangerous due to their massive size in nineteen ninety eight a cement carrier ships the end v goliath arrived at the Sydney harbor with my more and more impaled on it’s about the fish was so large but it slow the ship’s cruising speed fourteen to eleven not being so large scale, less mucus covered bodies can be home to up to forty kinds of parasites.

Because of this they formed why arctic relationships with the and how’s moon fish which feed on their parasites when those aren’t enough. We’ll know more will swim to the surface and float horizontally for sea birds to feast on their parasites parasites offer some interesting insights into their interest Beijing association one of the common them on a parasite is the larval stage of a shark.

Tape worm meaning that the tapeworm will grow inside them on them alone with the hope that it’ll one day be eaten by a shark where it can reap and then start the whole process over again or are primarily as bycatch but are a delicacy and east Asia with their guns being sold as dragon intestines some scientists believe their guns are poison.

Reference: Wikipedia

giant mola mola fish

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