Northern Raccoon

Shelter for Animal | Northern Raccoon | Raccoon animal eats just about anything. Raccoons are dumpster divers, they’re grove eaters. These animals will eat shellfish ability crayfish. Well, you didn’t kind of fish though just about any fruit acorns all kinds of things.

Northern raccoon

Raccoons are very diverse, they breed during the winter, early spring. Generally, in March, April is really heavy with young raccoons. The litter size for raccoons can be basically three to five animals. When a female sets up to have a Denton location, where she’s going to give birth to she yawn. It’s generally a really quiet area someplace that she feels very comfortable being away from any type of predators.

Generally in the wild, the raccoon would have a nest in a hollow tree or hollow log or under a big rock pile or something of that nature. In an urban situation or suburban situation, they will tend to use structures whether it’s a shed crawlspace or attics, or actually get down into the walls of houses. Raccoons have their young within the wall structure of a building especially at older homes it’s always the things I can’t see that scare me.

Are raccoons dangerous?

Raccoons can bite you and cause harm to you. The biggest thing is that these animals are zoonotic diseases. Rabies if there’s been a person exposed by either having contact with a domestic animal like a dog that got in a fight with the raccoon and then was brought into the house. That’s a secondary exposure we want to capture that animal and have that raccoon tested for rabies to ensure that there isn’t a transmission of rabies to the human.

Sometimes people will call and say there, they’re seeing raccoons but in during the day but sometimes, it’s just because it’s really hot and raccoons lofting in the tree, hanging out where it’s a little bit of a breeze. That doesn’t necessarily mean that animals sick but when you see these nocturnal animals out in your yard during the day. You just need to be sure when an animal like a raccoon ends up getting rabies.

They can show a different behavior, one behavior that may be observed is more laksa days. They’ll walk around and kind of look like they’re drunk and other times they may be very aggressive and obviously if you were bitten by a rabid raccoon and you haven’t treated the end is death.

Raccoons roundworm

Raccoon roundworm is basically a parasite that gets into the digestive system in the raccoon and a shed in the fecal material. You would have to be ingested unknowingly of course but raccoon roundworm, once it’s into the body, can cause major issues with organs. Actually, get into the part of the eyes. There have been several cases, through the years where children have had issues with it and unfortunately, we’ve had children that are blind because of raccoon roundworms.

Raccoons damage

Once a 20-pound raccoon as strong as a 150-pound man, don’t know if that’s true or not, have seen things that are destroyed from these animals. Those little primate hands that they have are capable of grabbing ahold of objects and they pull and pull and they have teeth so they’ll chew at things. So they’ll pull apart some of the wood or plastic vinyl siding and things like that to gain access into a home.

Usually through a vent but we have seen where raccoons have ripped apart part of the shingles on a roof and started to tear away at the actual plywood. They will rip off roof fences they will damage insulation you’ll get a substantial amount of fecal material accumulating and attics soiled insulation. Being as strong as they can get into just about anything

Raccoon removal

Raccoons are determined to get into where we find the entry points are typically something to do with ventilation of the home either a gable vent or some our nature a lot of times. We’ll see obvious the image where a piece of wood is pulled away from the house or something is destroyed that has gained act. They’ve gained access through we’ll also see a lot of paw prints and tracks and things like that over in that area. From the animals climbing in and out with thirty paws.

A lot of times we also deal with a lot of raccoons that are on the ground level. They go underneath a deck and get into a crawlspace area of a home removal of these raccoons. Once we’ve done a site assessment we’ve determined how these mammals have gained access into your home. Your business would set up specific traps for them a specific meaning in certain circumstances. We may use a baited live trap and other situations. We have specialty traps that are placed over the entry-exit points that the animals are using our prevention can be a full spectrum.

How can we prevent racoons?

There are different types of prevention measures depending on that specific need obviously with the chimney being open and a raccoon using a chimney to raise young and stuff. We would offer stainless steel chimney caps to prevent the animals from using your chimney again. If we have gable vents and things like that we would make custom vent covers that would go over those vents that allow the air to circulate but it would be animal proof.

When we’re done we also have done a lot of customized screening over windows, walls, and things like that. We do some prevention on decks and porches. We also get calls from people who say that they have a raccoon issue, where it’s getting into the garbage cans. Obviously, if they’re not secured these animals will get into that. We recommend that if you can secure the lids properly with a ratchet strap system or something like that or to place.

What do raccoon eat?

These garbage cans in an enclosed building we have had several calls. Raccoons come through cat and dog doors and got into the kitchen and are eating the dog’s food or the cat’s food inside the house. So a little bit of prevention and picking up the food outside certainly and anything you can do to prevent the doors from being open. During night time that would allow raccoons to enter your home through.

Reference: Wikipedia

raccoon images

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